It was a pleasure to have been able to make, and confirm, your reception of this trans-Atlantic contact! It is truly amazing what digital technology offers us today. For example, I have just two matching lengths of center fed wire inside the attic of my house, at with less transmit power than it takes to light a standard light bulb, you were still able to receive and copy this signal across an ocean. 73's and good luck in your DX pursuits, Jim Wright, N2GXJ
It was a pleasure to have been able to make, and confirm, your reception of this trans-Atlantic contact! It is truly amazing what digital technology offers us today. For example, I have just two matching lengths of center fed wire inside the attic of my house, at with less transmit power than it takes to light a standard light bulb, you were still able to receive and copy this signal across an ocean. 73's and good luck in your DX pursuits, Jim Wright, N2GXJ